Throughout the year, we welcome the participation of various soloists and ensembles to enrich our worship. We are proud to diversify our musical offerings through the offerings of talented vocalists who have offered spirituals, gospel, and more traditional offerings. We also enjoy celebrating our student instrumentalists and singers. Please get in touch with Derrick if you want to be involved!
At least once a year, the Choir offers a Choral Mass setting for Sunday worship (usually on All Saints Sunday). This is an excellent opportunity to hear beautiful sacred music in the context for which it was written and it emphasizes that music in worship is a prayerful offering to God.
O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness! (Ps. 96)
The Choir also offers an Evensong service each year; in the past few years, we have incorporated special themes into our Evensong, such as prayer for Ukraine, Pride, and a focus on the problem of world hunger.