Christian marriage is a solemn and joyful celebration. There are many options for where and how a wedding ceremony is conducted. Choosing our church as the site for your wedding implies embracing the sacramental theology of marriage of the Episcopal Church. Rite for holy matrimony in the Episcopal Church (BCP, p. 423). Marriage is a solemn public covenant between two persons in the presence of God. At least one of the couple must be a baptized Christian.
The December 16, 2013 Vestry meeting made the following resolution:
RESOLVED that the Vestry of St. Stephen’s supports and approves the Rector’s exercise of the authority granted by the Diocese of Connecticut to act as an agent of the state on the grounds of St. Stephen’s Church and make same-sex couples legally married through the Episcopal Church’s Liturgy for Blessing Same-Sex Relationships, upholding the same standards of preparation and implementation as is expected by St. Stephen’s for heterosexual couples.
No wedding can be put on the parish calendar until the couple meets with a clergy member.