Ways to get to know the community.

Fellowship Time
Every Sunday after worship, we have a fellowship time. In warm weather, we’re on the lawn with lemonade, but inclement weather takes us inside North Hall with coffee and tea and always a little something to snack on. All ages are together for this brief time of casual conversation.
Newcomers Breakfasts
Four times a year, we invite anyone new to St. Stephen’s to a pre-service breakfast. During this time, the Rector explains in more detail what it means to be a part of St. Stephen’s. Newcomers also get to know lay leaders and staff during this sit-down meal. Children are welcome.

Community Events to Build Relationships
Nutmeg and Neighbors is our annual FUNdraising event, which is open to the public. Our first event was held in 2019, and we have continued each year to raise in the neighborhood of $30,000 for St. Stephen’s outreach, music, and youth ministries. The event features food, raffles, live music and dancing, and fun activities for children and youth.