Raised in Other Christian Denominations
The Episcopal Church considers itself perfectly centered between the Roman Catholic tradition of Christianity and the ever-evolving Protestant expression of Christianity. We might even describe ourselves as the dividing line between the two, in neither camp, fully.
With the Roman Catholics, we share Apostolic Succession (but do not answer to The Pope), the Sacraments, and emphasis on corporate worship as faith-shaping.
With the Protestants, we share the emphasis on the Holy Scriptures taught and proclaimed (albeit not literally) and trust in the individual's spiritual journey.
Raised in Other Religions
We have numerous households in our community where other religions are practiced. In our proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we emphasize that God knows no bounds. God is not bound by our divisions and can speak through any religion God wants to. Through our traditions, we teach people how to hear God’s voice through the Christian faith. This teaching makes room for people to recognize God’s voice through other faith traditions, too, as they pursue this holy listening in other religious communities
Spiritual but not Religious
If you are seeking greater meaning in your life, looking for something bigger than yourself that provides meaning and purpose, there is no better place to explore these feelings than at St. Stephen’s. We are a community of love and of hope, as well as the opportunity for connection and making the world a better place. We profess our faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior, our Teacher, and as the Son of God, but no one will tell you what you must believe or not believe. We hope you come to believe in God as part of your faith journey, and we are happy to walk that path with you.
Episcopal 101
A couple of times a year, we offer a five-hour class on the history and faith practices of the Episcopal Church. This small group setting is a wonderful time to have your questions answered and explore some of the church's basic tenets. Check the calendar for details!

Our Annual Report will tell you a lot about us
We are an Episcopal church within the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut

The Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut is part of the Episcopal Church USA (aka The National Church)

Our worship is rooted in the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer.

We follow the Revised Common Lectionary in choosing our scripture for each Sunday worship service

Stances of Faith on LGBTQ Issues: Episcopal Church briefly summarizes the church’s work.
St. Stephen’s policy on Same-Sex Marriage is as follows: The Vestry of St. Stephen’s supports and approves the Rector’s exercise of the authority granted by the Diocese of Connecticut to act as an agent of the State of CT on the grounds of St. Stephen’s Church, and legally marry same-sex couples through the Episcopal Church’s Liturgy for Blessing Same-Sex Relationships, upholding the same standards of preparation and implementation as is expected by St. Stephen’s for heterosexual couples.
LGBTQ in the Church tells how the Episcopal Church USA (of which we’re a part) remembers our church members and the broader community who are LGBTQIA+.