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St. Stephen’s Church strives to nurture the spiritual lives of children of all ages along with their parents/guardians and families. We offer opportunities and resources to support them in a deeper experience of God's love.

Faith Formation

We used to call this Sunday School, but now we encourage families to consider how faith is formed over and over again throughout a lifetime. Thus, Faith Formation is a spectrum of experiences that help grow a personal relationship with God over time.


For more information or if you’d like to register your child(ren) and be placed on our Youth and Children’s Formation mailing list, please fill out the form below!



We are so glad to offer nursery care for the “youngest among us” at St. Stephen’s Church. St. Stephen’s has a newly furnished nursery room located in North Hall. Our nursery is open from 9:40 a.m. to about 11:30 a.m. each Sunday.


Our nursery is a place for children aged four years and younger to come and be cared for during our Sunday services. Miss Margaret Cush, our nursery staff member, is adored by the children. She has decades of experience and loves taking the best care of all in our nursery.  Our new Nursery Assistant, Anna D'Jay, is also there to play with and care for our nursery visitors.  


Please arrive a few minutes early on your first visit to complete an SSEC Registration Form. For safety, parent sign-in and sign-out are required for each visit.

Sunday Story Time

Regularly bringing your children to church is a beautiful way to support their faith formation journey.  Families start worship, sitting together in the pews, sharing the music, prayerful environment, attractive structure, familiar faces, etc.  Then, during the Hymn of Praise, children from about three through about 11 may follow our Storytime Leader out and down to our children’s chapel. There, children will hear the Gospel of the week in age-appropriate language, with developmentally appropriate lessons full of wonder and joy.  The Gospel story is often presented using the Godly Play materials, a Montessori-based open-ended format to allow a child’s innate spiritual gifts to stretch and grow.  We sing songs, light candles, discuss the liturgical colors and calendar, and say prayers similar to the ones going on upstairs in the big church before returning to the families in the pews at the sharing of The Peace. This way, families can receive Holy Communion together before the service ends. Attending Storytime regularly allows the children to experience the seasons of the church and learn about the parts that make us Christians and Episcopalians. On Holy Days or Sundays with Baptisms, children are invited to participate more closely in different and meaningful ways.




About once a month, St. Stephen’s offers children and their families an opportunity to celebrate while learning more about the important parts of our faith.  


For example, in October, we often celebrate the Feast Day of St. Francis and have a Blessing of the Animals.  We might sing a particular song or collect food for an animal rescue that month.


In November, we prepare for the change in season from Ordinary Time to Advent with intergenerational Advent Wreath Making. We celebrate St. Nicholas Day in early December with crafts, games, cookie decorating, and a visit from Saint Nick himself!  Every December, we have a Christmas Pageant with children and youth participating to tell the amazing and joyful story of Christ’s birth.  Camp Sunday is another intergenerational event in February geared toward children and families learning about our Episcopal Camp Washington and all that it offers.  Pancakes are served before Lent begins, and we learn about the differences between the Epiphany season and Lent.  As Easter approaches, we continue to hear the sacred stories and ponder what they mean in our lives as Jesus lives his last days on earth.  On Good Friday, we offer a developmentally appropriate hands-on passion walk for children and their families. Then, for Easter, we bring out the Alleluias and have a joyous egg hunt for everyone. Our program year ends with Pentecost - a riotous red and white explosion with the Holy Spirit coming through art and action.

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

VBS includes exploring our daily bible verse through a space-themed world of imagination, including music, games, science, snacks, and stories. We hold our weeklong program at the end of August, just before school starts.  Our campers are incoming pre-kindergarten through 5th grade.  Middle School youth serve as CITs, and High Schoolers are counselors and area leaders.  We also rely on a dedicated and trained volunteer adult team. 

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Resources for Families - Faith at Home 


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