Mary Brewster Women's Group
The Mary Brewster Fund was established for the women of St. Stephen’s in memory of Ursula Mary Brewster. The Committee has strived to make use of the funds and offer events that facilitate spirituality, fellowship, learning, and fun! Events, retreats and outings are scheduled throughout the year.
Life Long Learners Group
Our Life Long Learning Group consists of parishioners who like to read. The Decker Fund sponsors the books, so that each one, regardless of the cover price, is offered for $10/book. Every month to six weeks, a new book is selected and then discussed on Zoom. Members of the group may take turns leading.
Biblical Studies
Biblical Studies is not Bible Study, per se, but rather a group meeting weekly to discuss books chosen by the group related to the Bible and Christian faith and practice in general. In 2023, we read “Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time” and “The Heart of Christianity” by Marcus Borg. We have read books on the historical Jesus, the Apostle Paul, and various aspects of Christian doctrine in previous years. The current book is “Reading the Bible Again for the First Time,” by Marcus Borg. We meet weekly via Zoom on Thursdays at 1:30.
Decker Fund
The Decker Fund was established through a gift to St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church from the Carol T. Decker Revocable Trust in 2013. The use of the fund is for the benefit of elderly parishioners (aged 60 and older) and is administered by a committee. The Decker Fund, subsidizes in part, the salary of the Associate for Caring Ministries. The Fund also sponsors the Life Long Learners book group as well as organizing social events and outings for those 60+ .
Bible Study
Our weekly Bible study allows us to share our insights and questions as we read scripture, build community, and strengthen our faith. Please join us anytime on Tuesdays from 1:00 to 2:00 in North Hall. Parishioner Libby Sassano leads the Bible Study.